The Rose Labyrinth is a really cool TFT set, with two color mapboards and all kinds of possibilities. Of course, everything is even better with miniatures. Benches,... (more)
I am delighted to announce that a Kickstarter is underway for a new TFT fanzine: Gate, which will be published by our long-time supporter and contributor,... (more)
Early 2021 is shaping up to be a good time for TFT. We will do a Kickstarter in late October or early November, with delivery in February, for Hexagram 6 and its... (more)
Decks of Destiny is the big* boxed supplement for TFT. Like the original set, it was Kickstarted, and earned 1,172 backers. Lots of stretch goals were hit during... (more)
The PDF version of Hexagram #3 is now downloadable from Warehouse 23. As for #4, it is coming along well - eight articles have been edited and sent to production, and the... (more)
Great news! Hexagram #2 is now shipping, expanding The Fantasy Trip with the second issue of this new zine. Steve already has a third issue in the works; if you're... (more)