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Hexagram Vault

Designed by Phil Reed and Steve Jackson • Illustrated by Liz Danforth, Rick Hershey and William McAusland

Custom storage box measuring 5.75" x 8.75" x 2"
Price $16
Stock # SJG3516
December 2022

This attractive custom storage box holds all 10 Hexagram issues at once, with space for more! Better still, it will also hold the existing Quick Quest mini-adventures, making it easier than ever to take them all to your next game session!

The Hexagram Vault includes a shake table printed inside the box. Shake table? Absolutely! Steve's random loot-generation table lets you add dice to the box at specific times during an adventure and then, in the end, shake the box and open it to generate whatever loot the characters may have discovered!

Once opened and emptied, this shake table gives the gamemaster another way to randomly generate loot during play.


Our agents advise us that Huzzah 2024, to be held in Portland, Maine on May 17-19, will include at least two TFT events. Use this information as you see fit. Especially if you see fit to go and play!

You can find it here.

If you have enjoyed past Hexagrams, please support! There is a new Quick Quest, too.

In other news, if you like the monstrous Scolopendra, check out yesterday's Daily Illuminator.


A not-so-distant early warning: very soon we will open the Kickstarter crowdfunding for Hexagram #12, which is already completely done and will ship in March. It's a... (more)

The huge and marvelous TFT Bestiary is finally complete, done, finished, and printing. And it’s up on Kickstarter right now. Please support!

This is... (more)

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