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November 27, 2024: Roses For The Labyrinth

The Rose Labyrinth is a really cool TFT set, with two color mapboards and all kinds of possibilities. Of course, everything is even better with miniatures. Benches, piles of bones, and even big bugs are fairly easy to find. Roses, oddly, not so much.

Fortunately, if you have a 3D printer (or asked for one for Christmas!) there are options:

Safehold's Witch Hut Kickstarter is great  – I backed it myself – and they've just added a set of roses with seriously vicious thorns. They’d be absolutely perfect for the Rose Labyrinth. The bases are stone textured rather than grass, but a bit of model railroad grass from the hobby shop would take care of that.

Another option for getting nice spiny vines, though they lack roses, is our Wiz-War miniatures set. Even if you don't play Wiz-War (though you should!) the set gives you eight Phil Foglio-authorized wizards and several other useful items, such as a Gate. And a very thorny, tangled vine (beware when de-supporting: those thorns are functional). And perhaps your local craft store can supply little roses to glue on!

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