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2018 News

As the $133K stretch goal, here are five new combat spells for your TFT campaign. 

Visit the Kickstarter page today to support the campaign and unlock more... (more)

From FG 1 (August/September 1983)

I had intended to write this column only for Space Gamer after the magazines split, and confine my Fantasy Gamer... (more)

In our previous two installments (first post, second post), we presented ideas on how The Fantasy Trip can go beyond the obvious Hero and Wizard... (more)

As discussed last time (posted here), The Fantasy Trip dumps restrictive “character classes” for more free-form and flexible character creation.... (more)

As the $123K stretch goal, here are five more new slimes for your TFT campaign. 

Visit the Kickstarter page today to support the campaign and unlock... (more)

From TSG 52 (June 1982)

There are several institutions of Cidri, in The Fantasy Trip, which are of some interest to a Game Master, and which... (more)

From TSG #54 (August 1982)

It does a gamemaster's heart good to have a system which allows nasty things to happen during the course of regular events.... (more)

from TSG 62 (April 1983)

“Where do summoned creatures come from?” asked Melar. “Are they assembled from raw energy like illusions, or do they have real... (more)

From TSG 36 (February 1981)

When, very early in my D&D career, I rolled up my first paladin (an affable chap named Astolph who has an intense dislike of... (more)

TSG 39 (May 1981)

One of the contests The Space Gamer ran, back in the day, was for magic items. Many of the winning entries were TFT-related, and here... (more)

From TSG 41 (July 1981)

The following is a list of hints based on almost three years of TFT play. I hope that this article will inspire some of you... (more)

Probably the best munchkining of the TFT rules that I ever heard of . . . and directly responsible for some tweaks to the new edition rules.

TSG 49... (more)

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