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2018 News

Here’s my second fan interview question:

How did you use TFT, back in the day? Stand-alone combat games, combat module for other RPGs, or a full RPG system of its own?

When we... (more)

As a charter member of the Grizzled Gamers Guild, I had the opportunity to see One Giant Step become an amazing journey. I watched that first toe go into the water when Gary... (more)

If you are going to take The Fantasy Trip, it won’t take long to find the type of adventurer you want to be and model it with... (more)

     These are magical creatures that carry a Curse spell, and are, themselves, attracted (or created?) by bad luck. Any time two critical failures are rolled within... (more)

These were the first solo adventures for TFT (and the only ones to which I regained publication rights). They were inspired mainly by the Fying Buffalo series of solo... (more)

There are many confusing and contradictory stories about Cold Horses. About all the tales agree on is that they are horses and that they are cold.

What is magic like in The Fantasy Trip?

Remember to brush up on Basic Combat as well!

Since it started out as a tactical game (Wizard), the tactical effects of combat spells are... (more)

At Origins a few weeks ago, Bebo of Be Bold Games (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube) joined other players in a session of Melee with Steve. The party had a... (more)

The plocker is a creature of night, deep forests, and caverns. It finds its way by echolocation, like a bat – but instead of squeaking, it clicks its forked tongue. This... (more)

I’ve been giving a lot of interviews about TFT recently (two have been posted so far -- EnWorld and Mike Meeple -- with more to come), and this just turns the idea around – I... (more)

The heart of the carnivorous pit trap plant is underground. It sends out vine-like roots that slowly move the dirt, eventually creating a hole in the ground. A large... (more)

Combat in TFT is very simple. You start by choosing your strength and dexterity. DX and ST are drawn from the same pool – in Melee they total to 24. High ST... (more)

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