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I’ve been giving a lot of interviews about TFT recently (two have been posted so far -- EnWorld and Mike Meeple -- with more to come), and this just turns the idea around – I... (more)

The heart of the carnivorous pit trap plant is underground. It sends out vine-like roots that slowly move the dirt, eventually creating a hole in the ground. A large... (more)

Combat in TFT is very simple. You start by choosing your strength and dexterity. DX and ST are drawn from the same pool – in Melee they total to 24. High ST... (more)

As we grow closer to the launch of The Fantasy Trip on Kickstarter (announced here), we see more discussions about the game across the web. If you're looking to keep... (more)

As we continue work on the new edition of The Fantasy Trip, it is time to take the show on the road! The crew will be at Origins, in Columbus, Ohio, starting tomorrow, so if... (more)

Work goes on! MeleeWizard, and the two Death Tests are in final layout, Tollenkar's Lair is close, and I'm making progress on the big book that takes... (more)

We have received the first Fantasy Trip inks from Liz Danforth - here are a few for you to look at. I hope you feel, as I do, that she's still true to the style... (more)

Jim Murphy, the Game Methuselah, has released a short review/appreciation of TFT. For the most part I agree with his points, too. Hey, Jim, want to write a solo adventure and let us fight some creatures?

Whoops . . . did we have a technical issue with the queue, or did somebody just forget to click the button? Anyway, for those who did not see them in the Daily... (more)

from the darndest places. I'm at home today, catching up on chores and working on TFT. While sorting through old minis, I came across a little model of an obviously sorcerous... (more)

I have been chatting with Liz Danforth about doing art for the reissued The Fantasy Trip. Of all the counters in the original release, I liked hers... (more)

I have now hammered on the text from all eight of the recovered games, and with the exception of some remaining ENTHUSIASTIC CAPITAL LETTERS, it's corrected, de-OCR'd, and up to... (more)

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