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Recent hexagram Releases

Hexagram - Issue #13

Hexagram - Issue #12

Hexagram - Issue #11

Hexagram Vault

Hexagram - Issue #10

Hexagram - Issue #9

Hexagram - Issue #8

Hexagram - Issue #7

Hexagram - Issue #6

Hexagram - Issue #5

Hexagram - Issue #4

2019 Postcard Contest


Recent hexagram News

It's been entirely too long since I updated here. Sorry about that! There has not been a lot to say about new TFT releases. Now there is!

I just finished sending the printout of David... (more)

Our latest Hexagram has 49 hours to go as I type this. Another good issue. Check it out here. I'm going to be lazy and not repeat the contents, because you'll... (more)

You can find it here.

If you have enjoyed past Hexagrams, please support! There is a new Quick Quest, too.

In other news, if you like the monstrous Scolopendra, check out yesterday's Daily Illuminator.


A not-so-distant early warning: very soon we will open the Kickstarter crowdfunding for Hexagram #12, which is already completely done and will ship in March. It's a... (more)

First, the Bestiary! It’s being printed now. We will begin the Kickstarter campaign in a couple of weeks, and it should ship in February.

Also part of that Kickstarter campaign... (more)

News! News of new releases! Oh, joy unconfined!

Hexagram #11, which was Kickstarted, is fulfilling now.

The long-awaited Bestiary, which has been long-awaited so long that... (more)

The next issue of Hexagram will launch on Kickstarter on this upcoming Monday, about noon Central time. There is already a landing page for it.

This is a... (more)

There are four new TFT releases now available on Warehouse 23 . . .

Hexagram #10 – both physical and PDF – including an article on Inns and Taverns, an... (more)

As the year winds (or stampedes) to a close, here’s a general status report.

    Our current TFT Kickstarter is on schedule. Hexagram #10 and the... (more)

I am delighted to announce that a Kickstarter is underway for a new TFT fanzine: Gate, which will be published by our long-time supporter and contributor,... (more)

I have let this get very behind. My excuse is that I’ve been too busy with TFT work to write updates. Yeah, that’s a good excuse. Have to remember that... (more)

The Foes campaign ended on a high note - we wound up with 49 STL figures. Those rewards have now been delivered. If you missed the campaign but want some orcs, octopi, and/or... (more)

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