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The T'reo School of Martial Magic

The Infinite Arena

The Fantasy Trip: Wizard Playmat

The Fantasy Trip: In the Labyrinth

Wizard game box

Death Test game box
Death Test and Death Test 2

The Fantasy Trip: Melee & Wizard Pocket Box


Recent Wizard Articles

Thank you to Victory Condition Gaming for taking time to share this unboxing video of the "I Want It All" shipping carton that was... (more)

The staff is the mark of the wizard. In the original TFT, wizards’ staffs were potent, but in the new version they are more so. There are now five “levels” of... (more)

Here’s my second fan interview question:

How did you use TFT, back in the day? Stand-alone combat games, combat module for other RPGs, or a full RPG system of its own?

When we... (more)

As a charter member of the Grizzled Gamers Guild, I had the opportunity to see One Giant Step become an amazing journey. I watched that first toe go into the water when Gary... (more)

If you are going to take The Fantasy Trip, it won’t take long to find the type of adventurer you want to be and model it with... (more)

These were the first solo adventures for TFT (and the only ones to which I regained publication rights). They were inspired mainly by the Fying Buffalo series of solo... (more)

What is magic like in The Fantasy Trip?

Remember to brush up on Basic Combat as well!

Since it started out as a tactical game (Wizard), the tactical effects of combat spells are... (more)

I’ve been giving a lot of interviews about TFT recently (two have been posted so far -- EnWorld and Mike Meeple -- with more to come), and this just turns the idea around – I... (more)

As we grow closer to the launch of The Fantasy Trip on Kickstarter (announced here), we see more discussions about the game across the web. If you're looking to keep... (more)

Work goes on! MeleeWizard, and the two Death Tests are in final layout, Tollenkar's Lair is close, and I'm making progress on the big book that takes... (more)

Whoops . . . did we have a technical issue with the queue, or did somebody just forget to click the button? Anyway, for those who did not see them in the Daily... (more)

I have now hammered on the text from all eight of the recovered games, and with the exception of some remaining ENTHUSIASTIC CAPITAL LETTERS, it's corrected, de-OCR'd, and up to... (more)

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