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The Fantasy Trip: Old School Monsters

• Illustrated by Liz Danforth and Rick Hershey

A book of traditional fantasy game monsters for The Fantasy Trip.
Price $39.95
Stock # SJG3497 * UPC 978-1-55634-941-6
April 2021

55 monsters from the oldest of old-school games, compiled under the OGL, and translated to The Fantasy Trip by Steve Jackson himself. Negotiate with the Grippli! Flee from the fearsome Gnolls and their Flind masters! Find a way around the Gelatinous Cube, and think fast, because it's still coming . . . Each monster comes with stats, description, at least one suggested encounter, and at least one game counter. Except for the Throat Leech and the Ear Seeker, because you don't see them coming . . . Also included with this set are double-sized cards for each monster, with a picture and basic encounter information. This is a supplement for The Fantasy Trip.

You will need at least Melee, to play, and preferably In The Labyrinth.


It's been entirely too long since I updated here. Sorry about that! There has not been a lot to say about new TFT releases. Now there is!

I just finished sending the printout of David... (more)

The Rose Labyrinth is a really cool TFT set, with two color mapboards and all kinds of possibilities. Of course, everything is even better with miniatures. Benches,... (more)

I had a TFT game on the DragonCon schedule last week - I was going to run the six-player For the Effigy of the Oil Wastes scanario. Disappointingly, only one player... (more)

Our latest Hexagram has 49 hours to go as I type this. Another good issue. Check it out here. I'm going to be lazy and not repeat the contents, because you'll... (more)

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