Issue #1 of Hexagramincluded a couple of postcard adventures, and gave rise to a contest: create your own adventure that fits on a postcard! We had an even 40... (more)
Dyson Logos, artist of the megahex tiles packed inside the Legacy Edition box, has created a pack of hexes for his Patreon subscribers. This package includes a few... (more)
Another look inside The Fantasy Trip Legacy Edition and the I Want It All shipping carton that was created as a part of last year's Kickstarter campaign!... (more)
When we created two micro-labyrinths for the Hexagram campaign (preorder here), the goal was to provide GMs with tiny, bite-sized encounters that could be dropped into... (more)
As the warehouse team continues to ship rewards, many of you are sharing photos of the game. Thank you, everyone, for such positive comments and feedback on the Legacy... (more)
At Origins a few weeks ago, Bebo of Be Bold Games (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube) joined other players in a session of Melee with Steve. The party had a... (more)
I’ve been giving a lot of interviews about TFT recently (two have been posted so far -- EnWorld and Mike Meeple -- with more to come), and this just turns the idea around – I... (more)
As we grow closer to the launch of The Fantasy Trip on Kickstarter (announced here), we see more discussions about the game across the web. If you're looking to keep... (more)
Jim Murphy, the Game Methuselah, has released a short review/appreciation of TFT. For the most part I agree with his points, too. Hey, Jim, want to write a solo adventure and let us fight some creatures?