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Our latest Hexagram has 49 hours to go as I type this. Another good issue. Check it out here. I'm going to be lazy and not repeat the contents, because you'll... (more)

This encounter is our last online stretch goal for Hexagram #1, and will also appear in the zine.


The party disturbs a crime in a shadowed alley. The... (more)

As part of the Hexagram project (Kickstarter campaign closes tomorrow!), here are the promised treasure and rumor cards in PDF:  Hexagram Stretch Goal... (more)

The $4,500 stretch goal for the Hexagram campaign. These little hooks were created with the world of Cidri in mind, but most of them could apply to any fantasy world, or... (more)

Here's the last of the encounters we promised you as Adventures stretch goals!

Some people place great import on dreams and prophecies. That can be bad news when they... (more)

Here's the treasure we promised you as an Adventures stretch goal . . .

This magic item is actually two parts. One is an ordinary-looking round stone, like any that... (more)

Another extra from the Fantasy Trip Adventures campaign . . .

“Waste not, want not.” It’s a great life philosophy, but one that takes on disturbing... (more)

One of our stretch goal promises . . .

This encounter can be dropped into any existing campaign. The GM should alter names, places and details to fit the game... (more)

One of our stretch goals for the adventure book was to publish three rumors. Except that even the long ones are short, so we decided to double that. And there was great support... (more)

As the $235K stretch goal, here are five levels of unarmed combat for The Fantasy Trip . . .

Visit the Kickstarter page today to support the... (more)

As the $220K stretch goal, here are 15 typo spells for The Fantasy Trip . . .

Visit the Kickstarter page today to support the campaign and unlock more... (more)

As the 400 Melee BGG fans goal, here are five assorted new things for The Fantasy Trip . . .

Visit the Kickstarter page today to... (more)

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