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The Curse of Katiki-Mu

Designed by Robert Saint John • Illustrated by Dean Spencer

13-page PDF.
Price $5
Stock # SJG37-5532
December 2018

To end a terrible curse, your adventurers must travel to a lost land and return a stolen statuette. But the tribe of Katiki-Mu has no love for outsiders, and this mission may bring the party to doom at the hands of the mighty Moaitiki. With only one way into and out of danger, can these heroes hope to break The Curse of Katiki-Mu? This gamemastered adventure by Robert Saint John for The Fantasy Trip includes an adventure that can serve as the kick-off for much future exploration of the strange lost continent of Mu – plus a labyrinth map, new counters, and new cut-and-paste labyrinth tiles to expand the set included in The Fantasy Trip Legacy Edition.

This adventure is also found in The Fantasy Trip Adventures collection with four other adventures, along with counters, cards, and folders!


It's been entirely too long since I updated here. Sorry about that! There has not been a lot to say about new TFT releases. Now there is!

I just finished sending the printout of David... (more)

The Rose Labyrinth is a really cool TFT set, with two color mapboards and all kinds of possibilities. Of course, everything is even better with miniatures. Benches,... (more)

I had a TFT game on the DragonCon schedule last week - I was going to run the six-player For the Effigy of the Oil Wastes scanario. Disappointingly, only one player... (more)

Our latest Hexagram has 49 hours to go as I type this. Another good issue. Check it out here. I'm going to be lazy and not repeat the contents, because you'll... (more)

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