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January 2019 News

Here's the last of the encounters we promised you as Adventures stretch goals!

Some people place great import on dreams and prophecies. That can be bad news when they... (more)

Here's the treasure we promised you as an Adventures stretch goal . . .

This magic item is actually two parts. One is an ordinary-looking round stone, like any that... (more)

Another extra from the Fantasy Trip Adventures campaign . . .

“Waste not, want not.” It’s a great life philosophy, but one that takes on disturbing... (more)

One of our stretch goal promises . . .

This encounter can be dropped into any existing campaign. The GM should alter names, places and details to fit the game... (more)

One of our stretch goals for the adventure book was to publish three rumors. Except that even the long ones are short, so we decided to double that. And there was great support... (more)

Today is the day! Today, The Fantasy Trip Adventures campaign closes on Kickstarter, and we're now less than $3,000 from unlocking the last project stretch goal. This... (more)

The Fantasy Trip Legacy Edition is set to leave the factory in the next few weeks, which means that it is time we turn our attention to the... (more)

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