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$60K Stretch Goal - Five New Plants

July 23, 2018

Sometimes the monsters come to you, and sometimes you have to go to the monsters. As the $60K stretch goal, here are five new plants for TFT.  Some are carnivorous; they kill in a variety of ways and take nutrients from the rotting bodies. Some have effective defensive mechanisms. And some are simply interesting . . .

Visit the Kickstarter page today to support the campaign and unlock more stretch goals!

Stinging Tumbleweed

     Most tumbleweeds are harmless; they die, dry out, and then roll across the ground scattering their seeds. Some kinds are more interesting.

     The stinging tumbleweed breaks free and rolls while the plant is still alive and healthy. If it hits an animal, its sharp thorns inject a poison (1d-1 damage) and an anesthetic (roll vs. ST, maximum 14, to save against falling asleep). If a victim falls asleep, they are likely to be hit by more tumbleweeds and eventually be killed. The plant then takes root beside the body.

     Of course, this plant is dangerous even before it breaks loose, but its thorns warn travelers to avoid it – or a Naturalist rolls only 2 dice to spot it.

Spray Pepper

     The Spray Pepper is related to regular peppers, but don’t try to pick the fruit. If the plant is molested, some of the adult fruits – and there might be 1 to 6, or even more – will emit a jet of concentrated pepper gas aimed in the general direction of the intruder. Treat the plant’s DX as 13. The plant itself will be only about a hex in size and can hit any adjacent hex.

     The pepper spray does 1d-4 actual damage if it touches skin. Armor protects, but must later be wiped off carefully or you’ll suffer the effects.

     If the pepper plant makes its roll by 3 or more, it got you in the eyes. You will suffer intense pain and watering eyes (-3 to DX for the next hour) and must make a 4/ST roll to avoid being blinded for 2d minutes.

     If successfully harvested, the pepper is far too hot to eat, though a drop of it will season a whole stew. A Chemist can turn a pepper into a gas bomb which has the exact effects of a pepper within its area of effect. A fresh pepper is worth $100 in the city; the pepper gas bomb, when available, is $500.

Fractal Thorns

     These thorns are found on a variety of plants; fortunately, they are not common, and cannot penetrate any armor heavier than cloth!

     Fractal thorns are very sharp, and near their tips are right-angled spikes, which have tiny right-angled spikes of their own, and so on. The result is that they cannot be pulled out, but work their way deeper. In rare cases they are also poisoned.

     Healing magic, or a specific rare potion that dissolves the thorns, are the only answer; otherwise, the victim will suffer for at least two weeks, with appropriate DX penalties depending on where the thorns are seated.

Rock Tree

     The tall, noble Rock Tree takes up calcium from the soil, and creates wood that can, when fresh, only be cut by a stone-saw. It doesn’t age well, though, so Rock Trees are not in demand for lumber.

     The Rock Tree is carnivorous in a very passive way. Its fruits are the size of two big fists, and contain a lot of rock. Falling from a height of 50 feet or more, a tree-rock will do at least 1d+2 damage. And when they fall, they fall in showers, perhaps triggered by sound, or by the “feel” of someone stepping on roots.

     The victims slowly become plant food. The Rock Tree does not depend on its kills for all its nourishment – it’s just a little bonus.

     The Rock Tree fruit are very slow to sprout; it may take years and years for the rock hull to erode enough to let the little tree reach for the sun. Once sprouted they are hardy; herbivores don’t browse on them. They are very beautiful trees; if they weren’t dangerous they would be found in many fine gardens. As it is, they are uncommon unless planted deliberately as intruder alarms, perhaps with some gongs or cymbals below to make welcoming music for anyone sneaking beneath.

Lightning Tree

     Related to the Rock Tree is the Lightning Tree, which takes up metals from the soil. When storms come, the Lightning Tree attracts lightning . . . and conducts it to the ground without itself being harmed. If you are caught in a storm and a Lightning Tree is nearby, do not shelter under it! If you do, you will likely wind up feeding the tree.

     Instead, get a distance away that is equal to about the height of the tree, and lie down. You may be soaked and miserable when the storm is over, but you will be safe from lightning; every bolt near you will be drawn by the tree.

     Mechanicians, and some very advanced wizards, may experiment with electricity. Putting an apparatus below a Lightning Tree is a fine way to get a series of large, if uncontrolled, charges.


To discuss this latest extra for use with The Fantasy Trip roleplaying game, please join the conversation on the forums. To join in and support the project, visit the Kickstarter page today.


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