We have a new licensing agreement with Aithos Editora in Brazil! This Portuguese edition will be the first time TFT has appeared in any language other than English. Our... (more)
The Rose Labyrinth is a really cool TFT set, with two color mapboards and all kinds of possibilities. Of course, everything is even better with miniatures. Benches,... (more)
I had a TFT game on the DragonCon schedule last week - I was going to run the six-player For the Effigy of the Oil Wastes scanario. Disappointingly, only one player... (more)
We have a new licensing agreement with Aithos Editora in Brazil! This Portuguese edition will be the first time TFT has appeared in any language other than English. Our... (more)
The Rose Labyrinth is a really cool TFT set, with two color mapboards and all kinds of possibilities. Of course, everything is even better with miniatures. Benches,... (more)
I had a TFT game on the DragonCon schedule last week - I was going to run the six-player For the Effigy of the Oil Wastes scanario. Disappointingly, only one player... (more)