Hi! Remember Me?
March 4, 2025
It's been entirely too long since I updated here. Sorry about that! There has not been a lot to say about new TFT releases. Now there is!
I just finished sending the printout of David Pulver's Path of Mastery to a few last-stage playtesters. They will make sure that all the paragraphs do what they are supposed to. Then we'll get some good art from Rick Hershey and finalize the book. I can't say yet whether this will be sent to the printer, or whether it will only be released in digital formats.
Also about to start moving is the next issue of Hexagram. It's been too long for that, too. But the good news is, the articles have been accumulating . . .
And here's another ambiguous hint about the online TFT things that will happen someday. I'm having so much fun, and I'm not going to give details because there's no timeline yet. You really should go to this year's Gamehole Con, though. There is just no telling what you might see!