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The Overdue Update

November 2, 2021

We’ve had a lot going on with TFT for the past several weeks, and “no excuse, sir!” - I didn’t get around to updating this page.

Most of the news is related to our next online FnordCon, November 5-7 . . . Hope you can join us for some digital revelry. One of the panels will be on how to write for us!

The miniatures project is moving along nicely, under the management of Jean McGuire (who you remember as the author of the big tables in the last two Hexagrams). It goes well, though we learn something new every day. Well, that’s the point of a pilot project . . . Look for photos of the figures, probably painted figures, during the What’s New panel at FnordCon. Our current plan is to run a Kickstarter late this year. This set will comprise about 25-40 figures, depending on stretch goals . . . four different figure groups plus a Long Lankin. Full support will be only $15. Note that this is for STL files. If you don’t have a 3D printer, get one ! Or do a favor now for someone who does have a 3D printer.

Quick Quest 4, The Caravan Raiders, is back from the printer, and will be released at FnordCon. The long solo adventure, Warlock’s Workshop, is a POD release and will be available any day now. Several other new adventures and sourcebooks of various lengths are in the editing process. I continue to work on Bestiary, and art continues to arrive.

Ben just finished layout on another playmat, The Rose Labyrinth, based on art by Liz Danforth. We’ll definitely preview it at FnordCon, and if the printer schedule works out, we’ll also drop it this year.

Hexagram #8 also drops soon, with the usual variety of TFT Stuff, Things, and Items, and #9 is more than half done for a first-quarter Kickstarter.

And on the all-important people side of things: our new editor Rachel Merrill is tackling several TFT items now, and production artist and mini painter Ben Williams is now the proud father of Henry James Williams. Congratulate him!


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