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Updated Character Style Info

February 2, 2021

The character style info on the Writing for TFT webpage has been slightly updated. Please look at this if you are interested in submitting something! I had to reject a lengthy and interesting manuscript recently because the characters were not written to style and we just don't have time to do that sort of systematic rewrite in a whole book, for the same reason we can't accept text that is full of spelling and grammar issues. Many people have told me that they find character descriptions easier to use when they are consistent, and it's certainly my own preference . . . but that takes teamwork.

In other news: Hexagram #6 hurtles toward its ship date. Most of the work is done on #7, though I can't announce a Kickstarter date yet. (Can you believe it? Six issues and going on seven.)

And in general SJ Games news, you should be seeing the annnual Report to the Stakeholders before too very long.

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