Gaming Ballistic News, and Hexagram #6
February 10, 2021
Gaming Ballistic is in the process of fulfilling the final physical rewards for More Perilous Journeys - all the books should be in the mail by Monday, Feb 15!
In the meantime, Gaming Ballistic has also been hard at work on the next project: Character Collections for The Fantasy Trip!
The project goes live on Feb 19 at 10am Central Time. When it launches, it will feature three volumes in the Character Collection series.
As more backers join the project, more and more PDF volumes are unlocked and included with your $10 pledge. Fans of the Four Perilous Journeys project have been asking for more Decks of Destiny style cards (3.5 x 5" format) and punch-out counters. We hear you, and we're ready. Softcover print books, card decks, and counters - including for all the Perilous Journeys! - will be available through the campaign as add-ons.

Please follow the campaign to be informed when it launches. As mentioned, the stretch goals are purely based on how many backers pledge before the campaign closes on March 16 . . . so please share the link, follow, and pledge early!
Sample copies for Hexagram #6 have arrived at the SJ Games office. This project is expected to fulfill in April; we are drumming our fingers and waiting for the container ship from China with Adventures 2 and Old School Monsters. Trying to stay well ahead of the curve, we have edited and laid out the articles for #7 already and we are collecting content for #8.