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An Update On Writing For TFT

October 15, 2020

Thanks to your enthusiasm and support, TFT releases are coming out faster than ever! So the beast must be fed . . . Are you interested in writing some of those new releases?

You do not have to have been previously published – but you need to be able to read the instructions, organize your thoughts coherently, and create something that is original (without trashing the TFT system) and fun. We do ask that if you have not written for us before you keep your first couple of submissions short.

Again, read the Writers' Guidelines, and everything linked to them, like the very important character style info. It's much easier to get things right in the first place than it is to check and rework them, and when I get a submission where the first couple of characters are using D&D feats as their skills, and have weapons far greater than their strengths allow . . . well, I might set that down and read something else. To make the best first impression, use your spelling checker. If you've got one, use your grammar checker too.

We're looking for material at all lengths (and we pay the same word rate at all lengths):

  • Hexagram articles. We release about three issues a year. A page of Hexagram is about 500 words, or less if you're going to get any art on it. So a maximum reasonable word count is about 2,000, which would probably be a five-page story. We will also consider short fiction.
  • Quick Quests. Nothing in this format has been published yet, but we have several on the way. A scenario or even just an encounter, in not more than 2,500 words.
  • Solo adventures, all lengths. They can be as short as Death Test, or longer than Red Crypt. It seems to be best to submit these before the paragraphs get mixed up. Note that "solo" means "for one player" – that player might be playing one adventer, or a small party.
  • 9,000-word adventures. This is the length of the adventures in the Fantasy Adventures and Fantasy Adventures 2 books, and we want more for Fantasy Adventures 3.
  • Longer adventures made of connected scenarios. We have not done any of these yet, but you've told us you would like to see them.
  • Locale books like Ardonirane. The common term is "citybooks," but they don't have to be about a literal city. These could be 50 to 60 thousand words.
  • Bestiaries if we can find new themes. We know you like collections of creatures. Got an idea for something new along that line?

Submissions should come to me at For Quick Quest and Hexagram material, no inquiry letter is needed - just hit me with the submission. Longer ideas should be preceded by a query letter.

Again, read the guidelines.

And good luck!

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