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TFT Progress Report

July 8, 2020

Remember, the Melee PDF is still free in Warehouse 23 and DTRPG. Tell your friends!

The New Kickstarter

Starting very soon will be our next TFT Kickstarter. (Follow us on Kickstarter for email notification when the project launches.) Everything will be printed in the U.S., so we should be able to fulfill it by September! It will feature two separate releases. One is Hexagram #5, which is now complete (except for your letters, so be sure to comment in the Kickstarter). By combining it with a book that we’re pretty sure you will want, we’re addressing the horrible shipping price for a single zine.

That book is David Pulver’s Ardonirane, a 72-page sourcebook about the city of the mighty Thorsz. It’s illustrated by Rick Hershey. It is laid out and the art is done; it awaits only final checking – and, of course, print run numbers based on your support – before going to print.

And because three is the charm, we are going to do a new playmat for this campaign. It will be 36” square (!!) and will be Dyson Logos’ interpretation of Skarg’s Tavern from In The Labyrinth. I have an article detailing Skarg, and his skeevy watering hole, in Hexagram #5, and this is the perfect go-with. But start picking up pennies, because the big mat will be $50.

Up Next

In September (probably), we will Kickstart Old School Monsters, a 64-page bestiary of some of your favorite creatures from a very popular RPG we can’t name, presented under the Open Gaming License. Liz Danforth is working on the counters, and Rick Hershey is doing the page illustrations. This probably won’t fulfill until January.

The second book of TFT Adventures is about 95% done – the only thing yet to be done is art for the last adventure. Like the first TFT Adventures book, it will include counters. This will be our last TFT Kickstarter of the year. It is not impossible that we’ll combine Hexagram #6 with this Kickstarter, but we may also save the zine for next year. There will be plenty of things to put it with!

And the Megahex Tiles have been printed. They are available to pre-order at Warehouse 23 , and will be available as an add-on with the Old School Monsters Kickstarter project.

Coming in 2021

The big TFT Bestiary, by Guy McLimore and Greg Poehlein, is being edited by Andrew Hackard. We plan to include counters. Cards may be a stretch goal. 

There were trademark issues with “Quick Quests,” so we are going to try “MicroQuests,” which was historically associated with the old TFT. Whatever we call them, we are still looking for more. (If you think you can write a 2,500-word encounter for TFT, read our Writers’ Guidelines and drop me a note!)

David Pulver’s next project will be The T’Reo School, about an academy of combat magic. I expect to see the first draft in the fall.

There will be a second TFT Companion. It’s with testers now, verifying that the solo adventures are properly linked up. And there are other projects that are not quite ready to announce, so look for another progress report in a couple of months!

Gaming Ballistic

I have seen covers for some of the GB releases in their last, very successful, Kickstarter. They rock.


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