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A General Report

October 23, 2019

Time for a brief report on upcoming Fantasy Trip releases . . .

Hexagram #3. Campaign still up on Kickstarter. Has already received an insane level of backing – thank you! This is being co-released with two new geomorphic playmats, “Limestone Caverns.” Both the zine and the mats should ship in December.

Old School Adventure. The adventure that I ran for the Kickstarter mega-supporters: a 12-page PDF. If all goes as hoped, this will be the first of five adventures in a hardcopy book, with a really deeply compelling title like “TFT Adventures 2,” to be released in 2020. The Old School Adventure PDF might be out by December. Everything is done but the art, but Car Wars is Rick Hershey’s first priority right now.

Red Crypt, by David Pulver. A solo adventure, probably for early 2020 release, with hooks for continued campaigning.

The Book of Unlife, by Howard Kistler. Just what it sounds like: a collection of undead and never-alive adversaries, with a few neutrals and good guys thrown in. There is also an extensive adventure setting: a manor house and lands thoroughly infested with unnatural evil. This will also be extensively illustrated by Rick Hershey (he has already done the cover, featuring the necromancer Tarve). A 2020 release.

Bestiary. (Might be called the Cidri Bestiary, or the TFT Bestiary, or something else). Anyway, many, many creatures. We expect to see the first draft from Guy McLimore and Greg Poehlein in about a month; it will be a 2020 release.

Other things have been contracted or scheduled - there will, for instance, be at least one more Hexagram, and David Pulver is working on two other projects. But that’s enough for today’s teaser. Err, ahem, I mean “news.”

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