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Now on Kickstarter: Decks of Destiny

April 29, 2019

Now on Kickstarter, the Decks of Destiny box brings hundreds of new cards to The Fantasy Trip, providing players and GMs with tools to expand the game in different ways! The Kickstarter campaign runs until June 3 and, with your support, we can complete this expansion and send it off to print for release in early 2020.

Inside the box you will find:

  • Player's Pack - One set of 13 combat option cards (perfect for new players), one blank fighter dry erase card, one blank wizard dry erase card, one dry erase marker, and one character journal which serves as an expanded character sheet where you can record both game stats and campaign information. Project stretch goals do not affect this item. (Also available as an add-on, either as the complete pack or just the journal, in case you want extras.)
  • Rumors & Treasures - One deck of 30 dry erase rumor cards and a rumors journal where the GM can record card usage . . . plus one deck of 60 dry erase treasure cards and a treasures journal. Project stretch goals, if unlocked, add cards to the two decks and pages to the two journals. (Also available as an add-on, either as the complete pack or just the two journals, in case you want extras.)
  • Adversaries - One deck of 15 dry erase orc fighter cards, one deck of 24 dry erase skill cards (use to turn any fighter card into a talented character), one deck of 15 dry erase double-sized wizard cards, and one deck of 30 dry erase double-sized creature cards. Project stretch goals, if unlocked, add cards to the fighter, wizard, and creature decks. (Also available as an add-on, in case you want extras.)
  • Labyrinths - One deck of 62 hex-shaped dry erase cards to quickly build labyrinths, and a labyrinth journal where you can pre-plan adventures . . . or record the results of random adventures. Project stretch goals do not affect this item. (Also available as an add-on, either as the complete pack or just the journal, in case you want extras.)
  • Megahex Tiles - Six new sheets of double-sided, dry erase megahex tiles. Blank on one side, illustrated on the reverse side. Project stretch goals, if unlocked, double the number of megahex sheets to 12! (Also available as an add-on, in case you want extras.)
  • A new drop table printed on the inside lid of the box; quickly stock your labyrinths with opponents, treasures, and surprises!
  • 8 character sheet bookmarks.

Check out the Kickstarter page for all of the details and join in the project today

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