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$235K Stretch Goal - Five Levels of Unarmed Combat

August 21, 2018

As the $235K stretch goal, here are five levels of unarmed combat for The Fantasy Trip . . .

Visit the Kickstarter page today to support the campaign and unlock more stretch goals!

The unarmed combat rules from the first edition of TFT have been massively modified. Here they are, along with a bonus - the new Brawling skill, which does not combine with "scientific" unarmed combat, but is what you might expect to encounter in a tavern . . .

IQ 7: Brawling (1) Experience with unscientific bar fighting, friendly or otherwise. If you also have Carousing skill, you can roll 2/IQ to keep a brawl friendly, unless you then do something evil.

   • Improvised Weapons. You may “ready” a bottle into an (unthrowable) dagger, throw a mug as though it was a rock (1d-4 damage), or find a club in any piece of broken furniture.

Punch. You do one extra hit of damage with bare hands in either HTH or regular combat.

• Dirty Fighting. You may choose to do two extra hits of damage with bare hands in either HTH or regular combat, but then the brawl is not “friendly.” Foes will fight back dirty or grab weapons if they can.

IQ 10: Unarmed Combat I (1). Basic martial arts, similar to judo, karate, la savate, etc. A figure with this skill can:

Punch. Does +1 damage with bare hands in either HTH or regular combat. Regular bare-hands damage is 1d-4, so you do 1d-3.

Kick. In regular combat, roll to hit at -4, but do +2 damage compared to your bare-hands attack. So you kick at 1d-1.

 To use this skill – or any of the higher-level Unarmed Combat skills – a figure must be unarmored, or wearing cloth armor only, and have both hands free. No “unskilled” use of unarmed combat talents is allowed. A martial artist should not expect to best a prepared, armed and armored foe, but is far more prepared for an impromptu, unarmed battle.

Note: This and the below UC talents do not “stack” – the effect of UC II replaces the effect of UC I, and so on.

IQ 11: Unarmed Combat II (1). As U.C. I, except:

Punch. Does +2 damage with bare hands in either HTH or regular combat.

Kick. In regular combat, roll to hit at -2, but do +3 damage compared to a bare-hands attack.

 • Throw: You may “shield-rush” without a shield. Use the shield-rush rules, but if your target falls, you may immediately move on top of them to attempt HTH.

Evade. Hand weapon attacks from your front hexes are at -1, and damage done to you is reduced by 1 hit per attack.

Prerequisites: U.C. I and a DX of 11 or more.

IQ 12: Unarmed Combat III (2). As U.C. II, except:

Punch. Does +3 extra damage with bare hands in either HTH or regular combat.

Kick. In regular combat, roll to hit at -1 and do one extra die of damage compared to your bare-hands attack.

Throw: You may “shield-rush” without a shield. Use the shield-rush rules, but the opponent’s roll to defend is on 4 dice. If your target falls, they take 1 hit (armor does not protect) and you may immediately move on top of them to attempt HTH.

Evade. Attacks from your front hexes are at -2, and damage done to you is reduced by 2 hits per attack.

Prerequisites: U.C. II, DX 12 or more.

IQ 13: Unarmed Combat IV (3). As U.C. III, except:

Punch. Does 1d extra damage with bare hands in either HTH or regular combat.

Kick. In regular combat, roll to hit at your adjDX and do one extra die of damage compared to your bare-hands attack.

Throw: You may “shield-rush” without a shield. Use the shield-rush rules, but the opponent’s roll to defend is on 4 dice. If your target falls, they take 2 hits (armor does not protect) and you may immediately move on top of them to attempt HTH.

Evade. You have a natural “eyes-behind” (like the spell) at all times. Your side hexes count as front hexes, and your rear hex counts as a side hex. Hand weapon attacks from all your front hexes are at -2, and damage done to you is reduced by 2 hits per attack. If you take the Defend option, your attacker must roll an extra die to hit you.

Prerequisite: U.C. III, DX 13 or more. ST 11 or more.

IQ 14: Unarmed Combat V (4, not a typo). Mastery of martial arts. As U.C. IV, except:

Punch. Does 1d+1 extra damage with bare hands in either HTH or regular combat. Or can make two rapid blows against the same or different foes, at no DX penalty, with one extra die of damage each.

Kick. In regular combat, roll to hit at your adjDX and do one extra die of damage compared to your bare-hands attack.

Throw: You may “shield-rush” without a shield. Use the shield-rush rules, but the opponent’s roll to defend is on 4 dice. If your target falls, they take 2 hits (armor does not protect) and you may immediately move on top of them to attempt HTH.

Evade. All your hexes count as front hexes. Hand weapon attacks from adjacent hexes are at -2, and damage done to you is reduced by 3 hits per attack. If you take the Defend option, your attacker must roll two extra dice to hit you.

Nerve blows. Declare that you are punching to disarm, and roll at -4 DX. If your target takes more than 3 points of damage, he is hit on a nerve and automatically drops his weapon.

Prerequisites: U.C. IV, DX 14 or more, ST 12 or more.


To discuss this latest extra for use with The Fantasy Trip roleplaying game, please join the conversation on the forums. To join in and support the project, visit the Kickstarter page today.

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